Danby DDW396W Using the Right Detergent, How Much Detergent Should You Use, Using a Rinse Agent

Models: DDW396W

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Using the Right Detergent

Use approved dishwasher detergents (only) as other type detergents will cause over-sudsing and possible leaking. If your detergent is old and/or lumpy, throw it away. Old detergent loses washing power. Lumpy detergent may not dissolve.

How Much Detergent Should You Use

Pre-Wash:(no detergent required rinse cycle only )

Normal Wash:

Add 10 grams (1 teaspoon) Detergent to Automatic Dispenser (covers 2nd wash application)

Add 10 grams (1 teaspoon) Detergent to Detergent Indent on door (covers 1st Wash application)

Short Wash:

Add 10 grams (1 teaspoon) Detergent to Automatic Dispenser only.

Rinse: Recommended for glassware.

Add 10 grams (1 teaspoon) Detergent to Detergent Indent on door. (see program summary for details)

Using a Rinse Agent

You can help prevent unsightly spots on dishes and glassware plus reduce drying time by using a rinse agent. A rinse agent is specially formulated to rinse away food and detergent residue that can be left behind on dishes. Used regularly, a rinse agent will automatically provide you with cleaner dishes every time you wash.

The rinse agent dispenser is located on the left side inner door panel. To fill the dispenser, unscrew dispenser cap anticlockwise. Pour rinse agent slowly into container until the level reaches the bottom of the container. Do not overfill. The dispenser automatically releases the required amount of rinse agent into the machine during the last (heated) rinse cycle. The rinse agent dispenser holds approximately; 59 ml (2 fl oz liq)

NOTE: Hard Water can effect washability.

Hard Water also contributes to “Lime” deposits (white film substance) and/or “Scaling” that will appear on the surface of the stainless steel tub, door liner and heating element. To minimize these conditions, periodically operate the dishwasher (empty) and add 1 cup of white vinegar to the wash water. Let the dishwasher complete a full cycle.


For the drain system to operate properly.

The highest distance between the faucet quick connect and base of the dishwasher,should not exceed 15cm (6”)

Dish Rack

Dish Rack converted to Glass Rack

Dish Rack Loading Method


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Danby DDW396W Using the Right Detergent, How Much Detergent Should You Use, Using a Rinse Agent, Normal Wash, Short Wash