Dayton Operating Instructions and Parts Manual | 3E358B and 3E359B |
Dayton® Portable
Operation (Continued)
8.The motor will start when extension cord is plugged into outlet. The heater should ignite at once. If heater does not ignite, restart heater. To restart heater, wait 60 seconds, then push in flameout control reset button. Flameout control reset button is at rear of heater near power cord (See Figure 6).
NOTE: If starting heater for first time, you may need to prime the pump. If equipped, slightly open the bleeder valve of the pump to allow air to escape. Quickly close the valve once fuel is seen. Wipe up excess fuel. If equipped with canister fuel filter, remove the canister bottom and fill with fuel. Reassemble filter. Wipe up any excess fuel. You may also have to do this after taking heater out of storage.
Control Reset
Figure 6 - Flame-Out Control Reset Button
Never unplug heater while heater is running. Heater must go
through purge cycle. The purge cycle cools the combustion chamber. Damage to heater can occur if combustion chamber is not cooled. Do not restart heater until purge cycle is complete.
1.Turn thermostat dial to lowest temperature setting. This will cause heater flame to go out. The motor will continue to run during the purge cycle. This allows the fan to cool the combustion chamber. When the purge cycle is finished, the motor will stop. Do not unplug heater until purge cycle is finished.
2.Unplug extension cord from outlet.
3.To temporarily stop heater, set thermostat at a temperature lower than air around heater. Heater will cycle back on if air temperature around heater matches thermostat setting.
Do not restart heater until purge
cycle is finished. The purge cycle cools the combustion chamber.
1.Wait until purge cycle is finished after stopping heater.
2.Repeat steps under To Start Heater, page 5.
Before operating heater or any
appliance from a portable generator, verify that generator has been properly connected to earth ground. Improper grounding or failure to ground genera- tor can result in electrocution if a ground fault occurs. Refer to owner’s manual supplied by generator manu- facturer for proper grounding proce- dures.
The operating voltage range of the heater is 108 to 132 Volts (120 Volts +/- 10%). Prior to plugging heater into generator the output voltage should be verified (if generator is equipped with the automatic idle feature, the output voltage should be measured with the generator running at full speed). If the voltage does not measure in this range the heater should not be plugged into the generator.
Refer to Operation on page 5 for starting, stopping, and resetting heater procedures.
Ground Lug
Copper or Brass
Ground Wire
(#10 AWG -
Alternator Stranded-
Figure 7 - Typical Generator Grounding Method (Generator construction may vary from that shown)