Delkin Devices 15 manual Uninstalling Drivers, Windows ME

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USB SD/MultiMediaCard Reader



Uninstalling Drivers

Windows: Run the driver uninstall feature located in Start/Programs/Reader-15/ Uninstall. Or, use the Add/Remove Programs feature found in Control Panel.

Mac: Insert the driver CD and choose Uninstall from the Install dropdown button. Select Reader-15from the product list and click the Uninstall button.

Network Conflicts - Windows® 2000, ME, 98 Drive Letter Assignment

The following procedure may be necessary when installing the Delkin Reader-15 onto a computer connected to other computers over a network server. In some cases, the computer may assign the Reader-15 a drive letter that has already been assigned to another drive, such as a network drive. This usually occurs after re-booting the com- puter with the Reader-15 connected. To avoid this conflict, the Reader-15 can be assigned an available drive letter after you connect it to the computer but before re- booting. For more information, contact your network administrator. If your computer is not connected to a network, and there are no drive letter conflicts, these steps will not be necessary.

Windows ME and 98

1.With the power ON, connect the Reader-15 to the computers USB port. The Reader-15 will show up as a removable disk icon in My Computer. Also, note the drive letters assigned to any network drives.

2.Right click the My Computer icon on the desktop.

3.Select Properties from the menu.

4.Click the Device Manager tab.

5.Click the plus sign (+) next to Disk Drives.

6.From the list of drives, double click eUSB Secure Digital to bring up a properties window.

7.Click the Settings tab.

8.In the section labeled Reserved drive letters; use the arrow to select and assign a Start drive letter (the End drive letter will change as well). Select a letter that does not conflict with any other drives. This is best accomplished by selecting a letter that is farther down the alphabet than any of your network drives. You will need to re-boot for the changes to take effect.

Windows 2000

The drive letter assigned to the Reader-15 can be manually assigned through Disk Management, located under Administrative Tools. You must be logged on as System Administrator and a MultiMediaCard must be inserted in the reader before you can make these changes.

Delkin Devices User’s Manual

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Delkin Devices 15 manual Uninstalling Drivers, Windows ME