USB SD/MultiMediaCard Reader | |
This is a very basic troubleshooting list. If your problem isn’t solved by those listed, Please visit our web site http://www.delkin.com for FAQs and current information on compatibility issues as well as the latest software drivers. Or see the back page for contacting Tech Support.
The “Removable Disk” icon | The driver software may not | Reinstall from CD or update |
does not appear in the “My | have been properly installed | driver software in Device |
Computer” window. | (Win98). | Manager - specifying the |
| |
| The reader is not connected | Unplug the reader and plug it |
| properly. | back in. |
| The MultiMediaCard is not fully | Remove and reinsert the card. |
| inserted. |
| This OS version does not | Upgrade to a newer OS |
| support USB. | version. |
The reader doesn’t appear to | Loose or improper cable | Check all cable connections |
be powered. | connections. | and power cords. |
| Insufficient power from the | Connect the reader directly |
| computer. | into the computer’s USB |
| socket. |
I’ve just received the dreaded | The card has been removed | Recover if possible. But more |
Windows “Blue Screen”. | while a file is still open on the | than likely you’ll need to restart |
| card. | Windows. |
| The card was removed during | Wait 5 to 10 seconds after any |
| a read/write operation. | activity before removing the |
| card. To avoid problems, you |
| can copy the data to the hard |
| drive before accessing it. |
| Some OEM versions of | Download and install the latest |
| Windows 2000 experience | service pack from the Microsoft |
| conflicts with USB devices. | website. |
Page 6 | Delkin Devices User’s Manual |