The following software is included with your system:
•A System Setup program for quickly viewing and changing system configuration information. For more information on this program, see "Using the System Setup Program" in your Hardware Owner’s Manual.
•Enhanced security features, including a system password and a setup password, available through the System Setup program.
•System diagnostics for evaluating system components and devices.
For information about the system diagnostics, see "Running the System Diagnostics" in your Hardware Owner’s Manual.
•Video drivers for displaying many popular application programs in high- resolution modes.
•Systems management software and documentation. Systems management software is used to manage and monitor each individual blade as well as the system as a whole, including all of the blades, network switch modules, power supplies, and fans. Systems management software manages the system locally and remotely on a network. Dell recommends that you use the systems management software provided with this system.
•Optional solutions software for Web hosting, caching, or load balancing. See your solutions software documentation for more information.
Supported Operating Systems
•Microsoft® Windows Server™ 2003, Web, Standard and Enterprise
•Microsoft Windows Server 2003, Standard, Enterprise, and DataCenter (x64) Editions SP1, SP2
•Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard and Enterprise (32- bit x86) Editions with SP1, SP2
•Microsoft Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard, Enterprise, and DataCenter (x64) Editions with SP1, SP2
•Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Standard Edition with SP1, SP2, DataCenter, and EM64T
•Red Hat® Enterprise Linux® AS, ES, and WS (version 4) and EM64T
•Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS and ES (version 4) (ia32)