Checking Voicemail
The voicemail icon appears on the status bar if you miss or decline a call or if someone leaves a voice message.
1. Tap on the status bar.
The list of voicemail messages that you have for your account is displayed on the screen.
2.Tap the listing for the message that you want to hear.
NOTE: For more information on other options for this task, see the User’s Manual on the Dell Support website at
Using Your Mini 3i Smartphone
Using Messaging Features
You can use the messaging feature to send and receive messages.
1.Tap the Messaging icon .
2.Press the Options button to display a short menu on the bottom of the screen.
3.Using the short menu, you can compose a new message, change your view to a list (default) or folder view (like an email program) and backup your messages.
To change the message service settings, tap More.