Configuring Authentication, Authorization, and Accounting 219
The crypto key pubkey-chain ssh command sets SSH to use a public key for
the specified administrator login. The user login is specified by the username
command, not the ias-user command.
The key-string command enters the public key obtained from a key authority
or from a tool such as PuTTyGen. This command is entered as a single line,
not as four lines as it appears in the text above.
The line ssh command sets the line method to SSH.
The login authentication command configures the authentication method to
the defaultList. The defaultList contains a single method — none — which is
equivalent to no authentication. Since the authentication is provided by the
public key, a second layer of authentication is not required.
The last three lines enable the SSH server, configure it to use public key
authentication, and specify use of the SSH-2 protocol.
The following shows the configured authentication methods:
console(config)#show authentication methods
Login Authentication Method Lists
defaultList : none
networkList : local
NOAUTH : line
Enable Authentication Method Lists
enableList : enable none
enableNetList : enable
NOAUTH : line
Line Login Method List Enable Method List
------- ----------------- ------------------
Console defaultList enableList
Telnet networkList enableList
SSH defaultList enableList
HTTPS :local
HTTP :local