Care Delivery Solutions
Initial Log On
Test Patients and Pharmacy
New Prescription Workflow
Exercise 1: Selecting a Patient
Exercise 2: Selecting a Drug
Exercise 3: Completing the Prescription
Exercise 4: Sending a Prescription to the Pharmacy
Refill Workflow
Exercise 5: Refilling Prescriptions from Drug History
Exercise 6: Approving Refill Requests
Initial Log On and Device Basics
For basic information about the Pocket PC device and launching PocketScript, see Section 2 of
this User’s Guide.
Test Patients and Pharmacy
The PocketScript system includes several patients with last names of Test and a pharmacy named
PocketScript Test so that you don’t have to use real patient data or pharmacies when you are
trying out e-prescribing. Do not delete the test patients and pharmacy because new staff members
can practice with them in the future.
New Prescription Workflow
Exercise 1: Selecting a Patient
You can search for a patient by name or by chart ID.
1. On the Choose Patient screen, select Name or Chart.
2. Using the keyboard, enter the first 3-4 letters of the patient’s
last name. It is not necessary to enter the entire last name.
Type tes and then tap Go.
A list of patients meeting the criteria appears.
3. Tap to highlight any patient with the last name Test and then
tap Select.