Dell PP01X manual

Models: PP01X

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If your computer includes an integrated or optional (PC Card) modem, disconnect the modem cable if an electrical storm approaches to avoid the remote risk of electric shock from lightning via the telephone line.

To help avoid the potential hazard of electric shock, do not connect or disconnect any cables or perform maintenance or reconfiguration of this product during an electrical storm.

PC Cards may become very warm during normal operation. Use care when removing PC Cards after their continuous operation.

Do not dispose of your computer’s lithium-ion battery packs in a fire or along with household waste. They may explode. Discard used batteries according to the manufacturers instructions or contact you local waste disposal agency for dis- posal instructions.

Clean your computer with a soft cloth dampened with water rather than with liquid or aerosol cleaners which may contain flammable substances.


Observe the following safety guidelines when working inside your computer.



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NOTE: For full instructions, see the User’s Guide.

Turn off your computer and any attached peripherals.

Disconnect your computer and any attached peripherals from electrical outlets to reduce the potential for personal injury or shock.

If the computer is docked, undock it.

Disconnect any peripherals attached to your computer, including telephone or telecommunication lines.

Remove the main battery from the battery bay and, if necessary, the secondary battery from the modular bay.

Ground yourself by touching the unpainted metal surface of an input/output (I/O) connector on the back of the computer.

While you work, periodically touch the I/O panel to dissipate any static electricity that might harm internal components.

Dell Latitude System Information


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Dell PP01X manual