UMAC-CPCI Turbo CPU Board Hardware Reference Manual
Connections 7


In a typical installation, the UMAC-CPCI Turbo CPU board is simply slid into a slot of a 3U-Eurocard
rack until it inserts into the mating connectors on the backplane board already installed in the rack. In
actual operation, all signals to the board come into the CPU board through the backplane. (The front-
panel RS-232 connector is intended for test and debugging purposes.)

Compact UBUS Connector

The J1 “Compact UBUS” connector at the bottom of the back edge of the board provides the means for
the UMAC-CPCI Turbo CPU board to communicate with axis and I/O boards through a common
backplane board, such as a Delta Tau ACC-Cx board, or a user-designed backplane board. It also
provides the 3.3V and 5V power supply lines to the CPU board.
Because of the design of the Compact UBUS, the CPU board can operate in any slot of the bus.
However, if the CPU board has the CPCI bridge board installed on it, the CPU board must be installed in
the end slot of the Compact UBUS backplane immediately adjacent to the Compact PCI bus backplane
board, so the bridge board can be installed in the adjacent CPCI end slot.

Rear Field Wiring Connector

The J2 field-wiring connector at the top of the back edge of the board provides the path for all of the
signals between the CPU board and the outside system. In a typical configuration, this connector is mated
with a “pass-through” connector on the Compact UBUS backplane board, and a system-specific
distribution system is installed behind the backplane.
The J2 connector contains the signals for the main serial port (either RS-232 or RS-422 levels), the
optional auxiliary RS-232 serial port, the optional USB port, and the optional Ethernet port. It also
provides the outputs of the relay for the CPU board’s watchdog timer.

Front-Panel RS-232 Connector

The J4 DB-9S connector on the front panel is a standard RS-232 connector for the main serial port into
the CPU, permitting a straight-across cable to a matching cable on a host computer. Jumpers E17 and
E18 must each connect pins 1 and 2 to permit use of this connector. These same signals are available on
the rear J2 connector; this front connector is intended for setup and diagnostic use more than use in the
actual application.

Stack Connectors to Bridge Board

Stacking socket connectors J11 and J12 on the top and bottom edges, respectively, of the component side
of the CPU board provide connection to the optional CPCI bridge board that can form a two-board
“stack” with the CPU board. (Mating prong connectors on the solder side of the bridge board must be
ordered.) In this configuration, the UMAC-CPCI Turbo CPU board can be installed in the rightmost slot
of a Compact UBUS backplane, and the bridge board can be installed in the leftmost slot of a CPCI
If Option 2C is ordered, stacking “prong” connectors J11A and J12A are provided at the same locations
on the solder side of the board. These provide connection to mating socket connectors on the component
side of the bridge board. In this configuration, the UMAC-CPCI Turbo CPU board can be installed in the
leftmost slot of a Compact UBUS backplane, and the bridge board can be installed in the rightmost slot of
a CPCI backplane.