Ir-Transfer Utility C (option)
Running on the host computer, this utility transfers files between the BHT and the host
computer. For its file transfer control procedure, the utility uses the BHT-Ir protocol.
(For the details about the BHT-Ir protocol, refer to Chapter 3, Subsection 3.4.2.)
To transfer files under any of the following conditions, use Ir-Transfer Utility C:
-At transmission speeds of 115200 or 57600 bps (This may be impossible de-
pending upon the host computer type.)
-When the BHT is placed on the CU-7000
-Via the direct-connect interface of the BHT
Ir-Transfer Utility E (option)
Running on the host computer, this utility transfers files between the BHT and the host
computer. For its file transfer control procedure, the utility uses the BHT-Ir protocol.
(For the details about the BHT-Ir protocol, refer to Chapter 3, Subsection 3.4.2.)
To transfer files under any of the following conditions, use Ir-Transfer Utility E:
-Via an external IR transceiver
-Via an IR port integrated in a computer
Transfer Utility (option)
Running on the host computer, this utility transfers files between the BHT and the host
computer. For its file transfer control procedure, the utility uses the BHT-protocol.
(For the details about the BHT-protocol, refer to Chapter 3, Subsection 3.4.1.)
To transfer files under any of the following conditions, use Transfer Utility:
-When the BHT is placed on the CU-7000
-Via the direct-connect interface of the BHT