Chapter 2 Getting Started the BHT and System Menu


Testing with Ping

Tapping the Ping tab on the NIC Control menu displays the screen
shown at left.
Dest IP: Specify the IP address of a host computer that
you want to ping.
Data size: Specify the data size of an echo request.
Interval: Specify the echo request intervals (in units of
100 ms).
Timeout: Specify the timeout period (in units of 100 ms)
for an echo request.
Type 1 or Type 2: Select the echo request send timing Type 1 or
Type 2 (described on the next page).
Count: Specify the number of echo requests to be sent.
To run Ping, tap the Ping Start button or press the ENT key.
Tapping the Ping Start button when the RF device is not opened automatically opens the RF device

and runs Ping.

Entry Range for Data size, Interval, Timeout, and Count
Item Allowable entry range Initial value
Data size
1 to 2048
0 to 65535
0 to 65535
0* to 65535
* Specification of zero (0) will set the number of echo requests to be sent to "infinite," keeping sending
echo requests (until Ping is aborted).
If you specify a value out of the allowable entry range listed above, the nearest value within the range will
automatically apply.

After Ping runs, the screen shown at left appears.
Count: Number of echo requests sent
OK: Number of echo replies
NG: Number of errors found during execution of Ping
Timeout: Number of timeouts (for echo replies) that took
place during execution of Ping
RTT Ave. (ms): Echo reply time in milliseconds