Click Finish to complete the setup and return to
The partnership between the BHT and host computer has been set up.
For instructions on how to use ActiveSync, refer to its Help on the host computer.
For debugging of user programs using ActiveSync, refer to the "BHT-200-CE API Reference Manual" or
"BHT-200-CE Class Library Reference Manual."
In spread spectrum communication (BHT-200BW-CE/201BW-CE only)
Like ActiveSync in IrDA communication or USB communication, ActiveSync in spread spectrum
communication requires a partnership between the BHT and host computer to be set up. Set up the
partnership according to the operating procedure in IrDA communication or USB communication given
on the previous page.
For the operating procedure of ActiveSync on the BHT, refer to Chapter 2, Section 2.5.4, "[2.3]
ActiveSync (RF)."
Depending upon the PC name (e.g.,the PC name begins with a numeral), ActiveSync may not run in
spread spectrum communication. It is recommended that the PC name be set with alphabets (A to Z
and a to z) only.