■ Proper Care of the CUBefore starting cleaning, unplug the AC adapter from the wall socket for safety.
Clean the housing and the charge terminals of the CU and the battery cartridge termi-
nals with a dry, soft cloth.
•Never use benzene, alcohol, or other organic sol-
vents. The housing may be marred or the paint may
come off.
•If the CU becomes smudged, moisten a soft cloth
with neutral detergent and wring it out thoroughly.
Wipe the CU with the cloth and then go over it again
with a dry cloth.
Take care of me
with a dry soft
■ Limited Warranty on Software ProductsIn no event will DENSO WAVE be liable for direct, indirect, special, incidental, or conse-
quential damages (including imaginary profits or damages resulting from interruption
of operation or loss of business information) resulting from any defect in the software
or its documentation or resulting from inability to apply the software or its documenta-
■DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED does not assume any product liability arising out
of, or in connection with, the application or use of any product, circuit, or application
described herein.
■Intellectual Property Precaution
DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED ("DENSO WAVE") takes reasonable precautions to
ensure its products do not infringe upon any patent of other intellectual property
rights of other(s), but DENSO WAVE cannot be responsible for any patent or other
intellectual property right infringement(s) or violation(s) which arise from (i) the
use of DENSO WAVE's product(s) in connection or in combination with other
component(s), product(s), data processing system(s) or equipment or software not
supplied from DENSO WAVE; (ii) the use of DENSO WAVE's products in a manner
for which the same were not intended nor designed; or (iii) any modification of
DENSO WAVE's products by other(s) than DENSO WAVE.