Jumper JP1
Display Type Select
Jumper JP1 sets the display adapter to color or mono.
This jumper must match the type of display adapter
installed. If you change your video adapter, make sure
this jumper is changed accordingly.
JP1 Off: Color
(Default)JP1 On: Mono
Jumper JP11
CMOS Clean Select
If, for some reason, the CMOS becomes corrupted, the
system can be reconfigured with the default values
stored in the ROM BIOS. To load the default values,
switch off your computer and remove the cover. Touch
the power supply box to discharge any static electric
buildup in your body. Set JP11 to On for approximately
5 seconds, then return to the default position (Off). Put
the cover back and power up your system.
JP11 Off: Normal
(Default)JP11 On: CMOS