© 2006 directed electronics
type G:positive (+) multiplex
This system is most commonly found in Ford, Mazda, Chrysler
and GM vehicles. The door lock switch or door key cylinder
may contain either one or two resistors.
SSIINNGGLLEE--RREESSIISSTTOORR TTYYPPEE::If one resistor is used in the door
lock switch/key cylinder, the wire will pulse (+)12V in one direc-
tion and less than (+)12V when operated in the opposite direction.
TTWWOO--RREESSIISSTTOORR TTYYPPEE::If two resistors are used in the factory
door lock switch/key cylinder, the switch/key cylinder will read
less than (+)12V in both directions.
determine the resistor values, the door lock switch/key cylinder
must be isolated from the factory door lock system. For testing, use
a calibrated digital multimeter that is set to ohms.
note: Please refer to the Door Locking Systemsdocument
on wwwwww..rreeaaddyyrreemmoottee..ccoomm(On-Line Tech Support, Tech
Tips) for complete resistor test procedure and additional
information for multiplexed door locks.
note: To ensure an accurate resistance reading, do not
touch the resistor or leads during testing.
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