© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc. 3377
DDVVDD MMTTSSNNOOTTEE::MTS setting is only applicable to DVDs that support multi-sound tracks.
1. During playing, press the MMTTSSbutton on the remote.
AUDIO X/X will display on the LCD screen. The first X rep-
resents is the current sound track playing. The second X
is the total number of sound tracks available.
2. Continue to press the MMTTSSbutton to advance to the other
sound tracks.
DDVVDD SSUUBBTTIITTLLEENNOOTTEE::This function can only be used on DVDs that come with multi-language support.
1. During playing, press the SSUUBBTTIITTLLEEbutton on the remote.
SUBTITLE XX/XX will display on the LCD screen. The first
XX represents is the current subtitle playing. The second
XX is the total number of subtitles available (along with
the current subtitle language to be displayed).
2. Continue to press the SSUUBBTTIITTLLEEbutton to advance to the
other subtitle languages.
3. When the SSUUBBTTIITTLLEEbutton is pressed beyond the maxi-
mum number of subtitles, SUBTITLE OFF will display on
the LCD screen.
DDVVDD MMEENNUUMany DVDs come with different and unique selectable menus.
But these all use similar operating methods.
1. Press the MMEENNUUbutton during playback. The root menu
for the DVD will be displayed on the LCD screen.
2. Press the LLeefftt/RRiigghhtt/UUpp/DDoowwnn(W/X/S/T) buttons on
the remote control to select from the menu options.
3. Press the EENNTTEERR(↵↵) button to activate that menu option.