© 2004 Directed Electronics, Inc. 4433
CCAAUUTTIIOONN:: To avoid possible shock hazard and equipment damage, be sure the LCD
system is turned off and unplugged from the main electrical outlet before cleaning.
CCAAUUTTIIOONN:: Do not use any form of solvents on the LCD screen or enclosure.
1. Use a soft, clean & dry cloth to gently wipe off the dust on the LCD screen.
2. Use a clean cloth dampened with water to wipe off the dirt.
3. Do not exert excessive force when cleaning the LCD screen.
1. Use a soft, clean & dry cloth to gently wipe off the dust on the enclosure.
2. Use a clean cloth dampened with water to wipe off the dirt.
3. Do not exert excessive force when cleaning the enclosure.
AAppppeennddiixx BB –– TTrroouubblleesshhoooottiinnggIIff tthhee uunniitt ffaaiillss ttoo ooppeerraattee nnoorrmmaallllyy,, ttrryy ssoollvviinngg tthhee pprroobblleemmss uussiinngg tthhee pprrooccee--
dduurreess bbeellooww.. IIff tthhee pprroobblleemm ppeerrssiissttss,, sswwiittcchh ooffff tthhee uunniitt aanndd aasskk tthhee ddeeaalleerr oorr
tteecchhnniiccaall sseerrvviicceess ffoorr aassssiissttaannccee.. DDoo nnoott aatttteemmpptt ttoo rreeppaaiirr oorr ooppeenn tthhee ddeeffeeccttiivvee
uunniitt aass hhiigghh vvoollttaaggee iiss pprreesseenntt iinnssiiddee tthhee uunniitt..
1. No Picture
a. Check that the power cord is plugged into the main socket and the
power is turned on at the front of the unit.
b. Check the contrast and brightness settings.