DIRECTV Set-top box information for the installer
DIRECTV Proprietary November 17, 2005
Version 1.1.a Page 19 of 49 DTV-MD-0058
0xFF None
0x0B Retired
0x0C Retired
0x0D Retired
0xFF None
0x0000 – 0xFFFE
0xFFFF if not required
0x0000 – 0xFFFF
0x00 – 0xFF (0 to 255, corresponding to transponders 1 to 256)
Year: 0x00 – 0xFF (# of years after 1993)
Month: 0x01 – 0x0C
Date: 0x01 – 0x1F
Hour: 0x00 – 0x17
Minute: 0x00 – 0x3B
Second: 0x00 – 0x3B
DayOfWeek: 0x01 to 0x07 (0x01=Monday….0x07=Sunday)
Signal Quality:
0x00 – 0x64 ( 0x00=FEC unlocked and 0x64=max signal strength)
CAM and RID are in Hex format
Return Response ACK_FCNOK : Success
NACK_FCNOK : Failure - STB not tuned to a DIRECTV System channel
Return Value 0x0000 : Success
Non-Zero : Failure - STB not tuned to a DIRECTV System channel
Description The STB will execute a GetPrimaryStatus command by providing the STB’s health
and status as defined by the Return Data Stream parameters.
The STB will provide current time in Universal Time Coordinate (UTC)
unconditioned by time zone and daylight savings settings.
The fields ROMVer3, ROMVer2, ROMVer1, ROMVer0, STS ID0, STS ID1, STS
ID2, STS ID3, STS Ver are private.
The CAM ID is returned in hexadecimal with zeroes stuffed into the most significant
positions to fill out the unused bits. For example, a CAM ID = 0013 1751 9641 in hex
is 0x4E87C119. The GetPrimaryStatus command would return 00 00 4E 87 C1 19 for
the CAM ID.
The RID ID is returned in hexadecimal with zeroes stuffed into the most significant
positions to fill out the unused bits. For example, a RID = 0001 7035 6778 in hex is
0xA27702A. The GetPrimaryStatus command would return 00 00 0A 27 70 2A for
the RID.