DIRECTV Set-top box information for the installer
DIRECTV Proprietary November 17, 2005
Version 1.1.a Page 38 of 49 DTV-MD-0058
Albatron 10843, 10700
Ambassador 10177
America Action 10180
Ampro 10751
Anam 10180
AOC 10030, 10019
Apex Digital 10748, 10765, 10767
Audiovox 10451, 10180, 10092, 10623
Belcor 10019
Bell& Howell 10154, 10016
Bradford 10180
Brockwood 10019
Broksonic 10236, 10463
Candle 10030, 10056
Carnivale 10030
Carver 10054
Celebrity 10000
Celera 10765
Changhong 10765
Citizen 10060, 10030, 10056, 10092
Clarion 10180
Concerto 10056
Contec 10180
Craig 10180
Crosley 10054
Crown 10180
Curtis Mathes 10047, 10054, 10154, 10451, 10093, 10060, 10702,
10030, 10145,10166, 10056, 11147, 10016, 10466,
CXC 10180
Daewoo 10451, 11661, 10092, 10672, 10019, 10623
Daytron 10019
Denon 10145
Dumont 10017, 10019
Durabrand 10463, 10180, 10178, 10171
Dwin 10774, 10720
Electroband 10000
Elektra 10017, 11661
Emerson 10154, 10236, 10463, 10180, 10178, 10171, 10019,
10177, 10623,10179
Envision 10030
Fisher 10154
Fujitsu 10809, 10683, 10179, 10853