Upon completion of this test the following will display on the LCD.
In this example three discs compared successfully and 1 was different. The
successful disc will be ejected.
Pressing the ‘ENT’ button will identify the source for the comparison and the
size of the source in MB. Pressing ‘ENT’ again will display the first (topmost
recorder) drive and the condition of the comparison, “Identical” is any
passed disc. Pressing the ‘ENT’ button will cycle through all the recorder
drives and give the condition.
Press the ‘ESC’ key to return to the main menu.
The failed conditions are: TOC not match, Cannot read TOC, or Read disc error.
The prescan function only looks at the master DVD. If the ReflexPro DVD is in
hard drive to disc mode the data in the partition is examined. If the disc to disc
mode is current any disc in the source (Src) drive will be examined. This is
used to verify that the master can be read correctly without errors
In the hard drive to disc mode: Select the loaded master to analyze and press
the ‘ENT’ button. The unit will analyze the master on the hard drive and a mes-
sage will be displayed “Prescan OK!”
In the disc to disc mode: Load the top drive (Src) with the master disc press
the ‘ENT’ button to start the process, the unit will analyze the master on the
(Src) drive, and then a message will be displayed regarding the results.
7. DISCINFOThe disc info function only looks at the master DVD. To use this function it is
necessary to change to disc to disc mode, see Step 8 (Select Source). It will
display the session and tracks on the DVD, total time of the DVD and size
of the DVD.
1. Select the function using the up and down arrows.
2. Load the Src drive with the master disc.
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to start the process. Pressing the up and down arrow
will scan through the information.
This function is used to select the mode the ReflexPro DVDwill operate under.
When the hard drive is chosen as the source (Src) the unit will be in hard drive
to disc mode. Choosing any recorder drive as the source (Src) will cause the
unit to copy in disc to disc mode.
1. Select the function using the up and down arrows.
2. Press the up and down arrow to cycle through the available sources.
Typically the sources are “Src: hard drive ØØ IDEØ Master” and “Src: DVD-
RW Ø1 IDE1 Slave” The DVD-RW drives are numbered from Ø1 to Ø7 with the
top drive being Ø1 and the bottom drive being Ø7.
3. Press the ‘ENT’ button to select the source in view on the LCD. The display
will say the source and “... selected!”
4. Press the arrow keys to move to another function.
This function is used to manipulate images on the hard drive. There are six sub
functions that can be done.
9.01 Load:use this sub-function to load an image of the DVD master onto the
hard drive
1.Press the down arrow until you see “9. Image” then press the ‘ENT’ button,
you should see “9-01. Image P: A Load”
2. Load the top drive with the master disc and press the ‘ENT’ button. The mas-
ter disc will be copied to the hard drive and the display will read “Image Load
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Compare OK:3
Fail:1 Diff:1