bAsIc Wii REmOtE GEstUrEs
more advanced gestures will be taught to players during ga對mepla
Wii Remote held upright while “stirring the pot”
Wii Remote thrust up
Wii Remote thrust right
Wii Remote thrust down
Wii Remote flicked forward (like casting a fishing line)
Tap your heart with your Wii Remote
bAsIc NUnchUK GEstUrEs
Nunchuk thrust up
Nunchuk thrust left
Nunchuk thrust down
Tap your heart with your Nunchuk
Nunchuk tilted slightly backward and held like a microphone
Nunchuk flick forward (like casting a fishing line)
Nunchuk held upright while “stirring the pot”
COmbInEd GEstUrEs
Nunchuk out to left, Wii Remote at right hip as if strumming a guitar
Clapping motion
Nunchuk and Wii Remote held upright while “stirring”
Tap your heart with both your Nunchuk and your Wii Remote
Propel both your Nunchuk and Wii Remote up
Propel both your Nunchuk and Wii Remote down
AUdIEncE IntErActIOn GEstUrEs
Wave the Wii Remote to get crowd reaction
Thrust the Wii Remote up in a
Tap the Wii Remote out in front of you as if to touch someone’s hand
Make a slight clapping motion with the
Wii Remote and Nunchuk
Use the Wii Remote to quickly perform a
If you ever need to repeat a dance lesson or be
reminded how to perform a move, visit Oliver backstage to Review a Tutorial or Practice a Song.
Tips & hints
For more useful tips and hints go to