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A clean machine is a source of pride to the owner. However, cleaning by use of high pressure commercial washes is not recommended. The high water pressure, combined with solvents or alkaline detergents, can lead td corrosion of electrical components or damage to the sealed bearings used on your mower. A better approach is the use of mild household soaps and low water pressure. A stiff brush can be used to loosen excess grass and dirt build up. Avoid directing water pressure onto the mower deck hub assemblies, electrical wiring and engine components such as air filter openings.
To remove excess water which accumulated during washing of the mower, either blow off with compressed air, if available, or start the engine, allowing a long enough operation time to dry thoroughly. It is advisable to engage the mower deck for a short time to disperse all water from pulleys and belts.
Please help protect the environment by avoiding all chemicals which may damage or cause harm to plants and animals in your area.