3.2.1 Master Code This programming step sets the system MASTER CODE. The master code is the four-digit number
required to gain access to the system memory. You need to know the master code prior to
programming the system with the PC, or to perform any of the programming functions on the
following pages.
NOTE: The master code cannot be programmed from an off-site location. The master code
can only be programmed from the system keypad.
Factory setting = 9999
1. Open the cabinet of the telephone entry system and turn the master code switch (the
small toggle switch) on.
2. Enter a four-digit master code _ _ _ _ then press * (beep).
3. Turn the master code switch off and close the cabinet.
This program sequence sets the telephone entry system to operate as a single unit on the phone line,
or to share the phone line with other units. If multiple systems are sharing the same phone line, then
each one must be set as a "multiple system" and each must have a unique master code.
Factory setting = Single System.
1. Press * 0 4 and then enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep).
2. Enter 0 * (beep) for a single system or 1 * (beep) for multiple systems.
3. Press 0# TOGETHER to end this programming step (beeeeeep).
This feature is only used when the telephone entry system is interfaced with a DoorKing 1816
Telephone Intercom system under certain special applications. The factory setting for this feature is
OFF. Do not change this feature to ON. Refer to the 1816 Installation Manual, and check with your
DoorKing representative on the special applications that this feature is used for.
Factory Setting = OFF
1. Press * 7 8 and enter the four-digit MASTER CODE _ _ _ _ (beep).
2. Enter 0 * (beep) to turn the call up feature OFF.
Enter 1 * (beep) to turn call up ON.
3. Press 0# TOGETHER to end this programming step (beeeeeep).