4.1.1 Card Access
Card access is provided by card readers or automatic vehicle Identification devices (AVID) that can
be connected to the 1838 controller.
1. If the system uses proximity type readers, present the card or PROXmtr™ to the reader
by holding it close the reader head.
2. If the system uses an AVID system, operation is automatic.
4.1.2 RF Transmitters
RF transmitters are typically used to control vehicular access through automated gates. Some RF
transmitters, called PROXmtr’s™, have a proximity card built-in that enables them to also be used as
cards to access areas controlled by a card reader.
1. Press the transmitter button when in view of, and within 75 feet of the access gate.
2. PROXmtr’s™ only: hold the transmitter near the proximity card reader head.
4.1.3 Five-Digit PIN Codes
Five-digit PIN (Personal Identification Number) codes should not be confused with four-digit entry
codes. Although both type codes are entered on a keypad, the access system processes them and
treats the codes in different ways.
1. Enter the five-digit code directly on the wiegand keypad. A valid code will open the door
or gate.
If management decides to utilize PIN codes, system users should be instructed to keep their unique
code secret. Telling other persons their code or allowing other persons to use their code
compromises security and defeats the purpose of the system.
4.1.4 Four-Digit Entry Codes
Four-digit entry codes provide a means for a person to gain access by using a four-digit code entered
on a slave keypad connected to the controller. The four-digit code will activate either relay 1, relay 2
or both relays depending on the boundaries that have been programmed in 3.6.3.
1. Press # and then enter the four-digit code on the slave keypad.
If management decides to utilize entry codes, system users should be instructed to keep their unique
code secret. Telling other persons their code or allowing other persons to use their code
compromises security and defeats the purpose of the system.
1838-065-L-3-10 Page