CD Player
FM Tuner
AM Tuner
Frequency response:
Channel separation @ 1kHz: >65dB
D/A converter: 1 Bit
Tuning range: 87.5MHz-107.9MHz
Usable sensitivity: 8.5dBf
50dB quieting sensitivity: 10dBf
Stereo separation @ 1kHz: 40dB
Frequency response:
Tuning range:
Usable sensitivity: 22uV
Frequency response:
Speaker output impedance: 4~8 ohms
Line output voltage: 2 Volts RMS
Dimensions: 7" x 7" x 2" (178 x 178 x 51 mm)
Design and specifications subject to change without notice.
Dual Electronics Corp.
Toll Free: 1-866-382-5476
©2010 Dual Electronics Corp. All rights reserved.
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