This document will cover the necessary information required to construct and
transmit a serial (RS-232) or Infrared (IR) control signal to a DVDO iScan VPxx model
video processor. These two basic mediums of control, are intended to convey the
intentions of the user or automation system into the processes that operate the iScan.
This document will cover the naming conventions, syntax, electrical specifications, and
some troubleshooting that may be required for implementation in an installed system.
This document will NOT cover specific automation systems such as Crestron, AMX,
Control4, Vantage, Elan, Universal Remote, RTI, Xantec, Niles, Russound, etc., or any
programming within these systems. Correct selection of the automation system is the
responsibility of the installer, and we do not offer troubleshooting for these systems
beyond verification of the correct function of our iScan unit, and protocol confirmation.
This means, if a device is able to communicate with an iScan using another software
platform (i.e. our firmware update procedure), the unit is deemed to be working correctly
and the problem exists beginning at the wiring and proceeding into the code within the
automation platform. In this case, contacting the manufacturer of the automation system
is required.
Anchor Bay recommends contacting the automation system manufacturer before
conducting the installation to see if they have a driver or control module pre-built for our
products. If not, asking them to start work on one will help you (as an installer or end-
user) by having their Engineers develop a driver or module that is guaranteed to work
with their hardware (the more requests they get, the higher a priority it will be for them).
If they do not have a complete library, they may have many of our control codes already
in their database. Having this information on-hand will greatly ease the installation of
our products. If they have any questions, please refer them to our support line, we will be
glad to work with them.
0.3 Document Conventions 0.3.1 Model Compatibility
This document is intended to cover the iScan VP20, iScan VP20 with ABT102
daughter card, iScan VP30, iScan VP30 with ABT102 daughter card, the iScan VP50,
and the iScan VP50PRO. This document does not cover the iScan Ultra, iScan HD, or
iScan HD+.
This document is intended to be used with the latest versions of software for each of
the respective models – this is so that the most current features which have been released
are listed, and to encourage our customers to use the latest features and bug-fixes that are
available (we use the latest version to develop from – please do not report any bugs for
old software). Please check our website (www.anchorbaytech.com) for the latest version
of software for your product.