Electronically balanced inputs for the connection of musical instruments with stereo out- put, like keyboards, drum computers,
The stereo LINE input is meant for balanced or unbalanced sound sources with levels between
In case you want to connect a monaural signal source to one of the stereo input channels, you just have to plug it into the L/MONO input. The signal is internally linked to both chan- nels.
These controls serve to match the incoming line level signals of a stereo channel to the PowerMate’s internal operation level. The total adjustment range is 30dB. Unity gain – no amplification (0 dB) – is achieved at the 0dB mark. The control allows to attenuate or amplify the signal level in the range of
If you are using a keyboard as signal source and you have it connected to one of the stereo inputs, please make sure not to set split zones or layers with channel separation. Otherwise the stereo channel mapping will appear like it is set on the keyboard and you will not have the opportunity to
The mixer’s tone control section allows very differentiated shaping of the incoming audio signals within miscellaneous frequency bands. Turning one of the EQ level controls to the right enhances/amplifies the corresponding frequency range while turning them to the left lowers/attenuates the signal of the specific frequency band. Before you begin to alter the sound, all tone controls should be set to their neutral position; i. e.: their marker points straight up (detent position). Do not set the EQ controls to extreme positions. Usually, minor changes are totally sufficient and produce the best results in the overall sound. You should use the natural reproduction as an orientation mark and rely on your musically trained ear, being the perfect instrument to judge the sound quality.