Using your card reader

5Double-click the DriverInstaller file.6Click Install to install the card reader driver.7After the driver installation is complete, restart your computer.

Using your card reader

To use a media card:

1Insert your memory card into the appropriate slot, as shown in the table on page 7.

Caution: Cards must be inserted into the correct slot and in the correct direction. Otherwise you may damage the card or the slot.

2Open the My Computer or Windows Explorer window, then double-click the drive icon for the slot you are using.

3To access files and folders on the inserted card, use normal Windows procedures for opening, copying, pasting, or deleting files and folders .

4When you have finished working with the files on a memory card, right-click the memory card icon, then select Eject. The light on the memory card reader must be OFF before the card is removed.

Caution: Do not remove memory cards while the data LED on the reader is flashing or blinking.