•Are all powerchairs susceptible to EMI?
Each make and model differs in its ability to resist electromagnetic interference. Each has a particular level of “immunity” to interference measured in volts per meter (V/m). The higher the immunity levels the greater the protection. In other words, a powerchair with a high immunity level is less likely to be affected by an intense radio source than one with a low immunity level.
If you want to find out how well your powerchair is protected against EMI, you can contact the manufacturer and inquire about its immunity level.
Commonly Asked Questions
•What can I do to reduce the risk that my powered powerchair could be affected by EMI? Here are some precautions you can take:
1.Do not turn ON or used
2.Be aware of nearby transmitters, such as TV stations or radio and
3.Be aware that adding accessories or components, or modifying the powered LIBERTY™ 624 MINI may make it more susceptible to interference from radio wave sources. (Note: There is no easy way to evaluate their effect on the overall immunity of the powered LIBERTY™ 624 MINI.)
•What should I do if my powered LIBERTY™ 624 MINI moves unexpectedly?
If untended motion or brake release occurs, turn the LIBERTY™ 624 MINI OFF as soon as it is safe.
•If my powered LIBERTY™ 624 MINI moves unexpectedly, where should I report this?
You should report the incident to:
The manufacturer and/or distributor, and FDA’s MedWatch problem reporting program. Call