sg82 amend p8.qxd 19/01/00 12:35 Page 7
1.Evenly control the speed of movement of the spray gun. A fast speed will give a thin coat and a slow speed will give a heavy coat.
2.Only apply one coat at a time. If a further coat is required follow the paint manufacturers instructions for drying times.
3.If spraying small areas or objects keep the output setting low as this will avoid excessive use of paints and will minimise overspray.
4.When spraying large areas or objects, it is best to use a criss- cross pattern, either from left to right then up or down or
5.Avoid stopping and starting when spraying as this can lead to too much or not enough material on a surface.
6.To ensure edges are covered, commence spraying just to the side of area being sprayed, continue and do not stop until the spray has gone past the opposite edge.
Two nozzle sizes are supplied with the gun, these should be used as follows:
1)0.6mm - This size works best for
2)0.8mm - This is a general purpose nozzle that works best for materials such as emulsions, latex and thicker type paints.
3)If you start spraying and find that the spray pattern is small and splattery and adjusting the output control knob does not solve the problem then you need to try the larger nozzle before further thinning the material.
The flexible extension nozzle can be bent at any angle to make the painting of ceilings and floors much Fig 6
easier. As the sprayer must not be tilted at more than a 45º angle to prevent a back leak, it is essential to use the flexible extension to paint ceilings (fig 6).
To use this, operate as follows:
1)Unscrew the spray gun nozzle by turning it
2)Screw the end of the extension tube with the plastic thread onto the spray gun.
3)Ensure the short atomiser valve is inserted into the flexible extension tube.