Syslog Configuration

Syslog Delivery Sending Out – If checked, the device will send syslog messages to
other machines (log servers).
Keep Sent Message – If checked, the sent messages will be kept on
the device, otherwise they will be deleted
Syslog Servers
IP Address: Up to 3 syslog servers can be used.
Enable: If checked, the log message will be sent to the server. You
can disable or enable each server temporarily.
Port: If your syslog server does not use the default port (514),
change it.
Log Priority Level: The messages are grouped into 8 priority levels,
from Emergency to Debug. The lower level it is, the more messages
it will generate. Emergency is the highest priority level, and Debug is
the lowest.Setting priority to Debug will send all generated messages
Log Priority Modules This feature displays and controls the current log priority for each module.
For a module with different priorities, the different level of messages will be
generated in Syslog. The lower the level of log priority for a module, a more
messages will be generated. DEBUG is the lowest level of log priority
SNTP Configuration
SNTP Servers – Up to 3 SNTP servers can be used for GMT. You can
enter its IP or Domain address here. You can use some servers such as,,, etc.
Time Zone –This lists all time differences between GMT and the local
time selected by you.
Upgrade Firmware
This Upgrade Firmware Screen allows you to upgrade firmware or backup system configuration by
using HTTP upgrade.
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