Make Driver
Installa ti on
Creates driver installation diskettes.
6. A prompt ap pe a rs warning that th e in s ta ll requires the system to be reb oo te d
at the en d of the installa tio n p ro ces s. Click Yes to con tin u e .
7. Choose the setup directory. The default is C:\P rogram F iles \ A theros .
Click Next.
8. Choose the program folder for the start menu. The default is Atheros. Click
Nex t.
9. For a windows XP installation, the next screen defines the Windows Zero
Configuration. Windows XP Zero Configuration provides functionality to
autom a tically t ry to co n n e ct the s ta tion to availab le wirele ss net works. Fo r
comple te in fo rma tio n o n Win do ws Zero Config u ra tio n, see the Microso ft web
10.In this in s ta lla tio n , s e lect the Athero s C lie nt Utility an d Sup p lica n t.
Click Nex t. T h e installer auto ma ticall y installs th e d ri ve r.
11.Make s u re th a t the USB device is in s e rted. If it is n o t, in s e rt it, then cance l
the found New Hardware Wizard if it appears. Proceed with the installation.
Click OK .
12.Windows may display a Windows Logo error for the USB bootloader. Click
Continue Anyway.