Dealer Programming
As noted several times in this manual, programming determines the
availability and specific operation of many features. This refers to the
programming performed by your dealer when the radio was set up, not to
any programming that you can perform. If a feature is controlled by a
front panel option switch and that switch is not available, it is probably
not available or in a fixed condition. Contact your dealer for more infor-
mation on how programmable functions have been set for your
Speaking Into Microphone
For best results, hold the speaker grille about 1-2 inches from your
mouth and speak at a normal conversational level. Do not shout since it
distorts your voice and does not increase range. Make sure that the PTT
(push-to-talk) switch is pressed before you begin to speak and released as
soon as the message is complete.
Operation At Extended Range
When approaching the limits of radio range, the other party may not
be able to hear your transmissions and there may be an increase in back-
ground noise when messages are received. You may still be out of range
even though you can hear a message. The reason for this is that the signal
you are receiving is usually transmitted at a higher power level than the
one transmitted by your transceiver. Communication may be improved by
moving to higher ground or away from shielding objects such as tall
buildings or hills.
A government license is usually required to operate this transceiver
on the air. Your dealer will normally handle the licensing requirements.