33Uses, Tables and Tips
- well done per cm.
of thickness Rotitherm 1170-180 0:08-0:10
Shoulder, neck, ham
joint 1-1.5 kg Rotitherm 1160-180 1:30-2:00
Chop, spare rib 1-1.5 kg Rotitherm 1170-180 1:00-1:30
Meat loaf 750 g-1 kg Rotitherm 1160-170 0:45-1:00
Porkknuckle (pre-
cooked) 750 g-1 kg Rotitherm 1150-170 1:30-2:00
Roast veal 1 kg Rotitherm 1160-180 1:30-2:00
Knuckle of veal 1.5-2 kg Rotitherm 1160-180 2:00-2:30
Leg of lamb, roast
lamb 1-1.5 kg Rotitherm 1150-170 1:15-2:00
Saddle of lamb 1-1.5 kg Rotitherm 1160-180 1:00-1:30
Saddle of hare, leg of
hare up to 1 kg Convention-
al 3220-2501) 0:25-0:40
Saddle of venison 1.5-2 kg Convention-
al 1210-220 1:15-1:45
Haunch of venison 1.5-2 kg Conventio n-
al 1200-210 1:30-2:15
Poultry p ortion s 200-250 g
each Rotitherm 1200-220 0:35-0:50
Half chicken 400-500 g
each Rotitherm 1190-210 0:35-0:50
Chicken, poulard 1-1.5 kg Rotitherm 1190-210 0:45-1:15
Duck 1.5-2 kg Rotitherm 1180-200 1:15-1:45
Goose 3.5-5 kg Rotitherm 1160-180 2:30-3:30
Turkey 2.5-3.5 kg Rotitherm 1160-180 1:45-2:30
Turkey 4-6 kg Rotitherm 1140-160 2:30-4:00
Fish (steamed)
Whole fish 1-1.5 kg Convention-
al 1210-220 0:45-1:15
1)Pre-heat the oven
Type of meat Quantity Ovenfunction Shelf
Hours mins.