16 Storage Features


Storage bins

The doors to your freezer and fresh food
compartments use a system of modular storage
cleaning. Some of them have fixed positions, while
others can be adjusted to your needs.
and large drink containers. They also enable quick
selection of frequently used items.

To change the position of an adjustable

door bin:

1 Before adjusting a bin, remove all food.
2 Grip the bin firmly with both hands and lift it
3 Remove the bin.
4 Place the bin just above desired position.
5 Lower the bin onto supports until locked in

Meat keeper

Some models are equipped with a meat keeper
drawer for short-term storage of bulk meat items.
This drawer includes a sliding control for adjusting
the temperature inside.
be frozen. If you store fruits or vegetables in this
drawer, set it to a warmer temperature to prevent

Special items rack

The innovative design of the special items rack
allows you to store four bottles of wine or soft drink

Crisper humidity control

Crisper drawers include a sliding control for
adjusting the humidity inside the crisper. This
feature can extend the life of certain fresh
vegetables that keep longer in high humidity.