Care and Cleaning
1 Do not under any circumstances use furni-
ture care products or aggressive cleaners.
If necessary, clean the controls only with a soft
cloth and pure warm water.
The spray arms do not need cleaning.
Occasionally check the internal containers, door
seal, and water inlet forsoiling, clean if necessar y.

Cleaning the Filter

3 Thefiltersinthebaseofthewashingcom-
partment are to a large extent self-cleaning.
Nevertheless the filters should be checked
and cleaned from time to time. Dirty filters
will degrade the washing result.
1. Open the door, removethe lower rack.
2. The dishwasher filter system comprises a coarse/
fine filter, microfilter and a flat filter. Unlockthe fil-
ter system using the handle on the microfilter, and
3. Turn the handle about ¼a turn anticlockwise and
4. Takehold of the coarse/fine filter (1) by the handle
with the hole and remove from the microfilter (2).
5. Clean all filters thoroughly under running water.
6. Remove the flat filter (3) from the base of the
washing compartment and clean both faces thor-
7. Put the flat filter back in the base of the washing
8. Place the coarse/fine filter in the microfilter and
press together.
9. Put the filter combination in place and lock by
turning the handle clockwise to the stop. During
this process ensure that the flat filter does not pro-
trude .above the base of the washing compart-
1 Under no circumstances may the dishwasher
be used without filters.