

Vid skrotning


Om du behöver kassera din Rapido Wet & Dry tar du


först ur batterierna. Släng aldrig uttjänta batterier i


hushållssoporna. Ta dem till återvinningsstationen.


Ta ur batterierna


Ladda ur batterierna helt innan du tar ur dem.


21. Obs! När du tar ur batterierna får Rapido Wet & Dry


inte vara ansluten till laddstationen.


• Lossa de fem skruvarna.


• Lyft försiktigt av kåpan.


• Klipp av anslutningssladdarna och lyft ur batterierna.


Service eller reparationer


Vid driftstörningar eller fel ska Rapido Wet & Dry lämnas


till en auktoriserad Electrolux-serviceverkstad.


Om sladden har skadats måste den bytas ut av Electrolux,


auktoriserad servicepersonal eller liknande kvalificerad


person för att undvika fara.




Electrolux frånsäger sig allt ansvar för samtliga skador som


uppkommit genom felaktigt bruk av dammsugaren eller i de fall


dammsugaren manipulerats.


Denna produkt är utformad med tanke på miljön. Alla plastdelar


är markerade för återvinning. För ytterligare upplysningar, se


vår webbsite:


Har du frågor eller synpunkter angående din dammsugare, ring


gärna 0771-87 12 12, vardagar 7.30-11.00, 12.00-16.00. Du kan


också kontakta oss via email på


Om du har problem att hitta tillbehör till din Electrolux damm­


sugare, besök oss på eller ring 036-38 79 55


för mer information.


Konsumentservice Direkt

Tack för att du valt att köpa en produkt av ett varumärke ingående i Electrolux-koncernen. Denna produkt hoppas vi skall kunna ge dig mycket glädje och nytta i ditt hem under många år. Om du har frågor angående produktens funktion eller använd­ ning, synpunkter angående din produkt eller vill reklamera något felaktigt. Vänd dig då direkt till Electrolux Centralverkstad, tel: 0771-87 12 12, öppet vardagar 7.30-11.00, 12.00-16.00.

Fax: 08-738 71 30. Du kan också kontakta oss via email, eller via brev: Electrolux Centralverkstad, Kjellgrensgatan 9, 112 51 Stockholm. Vi hjälper dig direkt att på snabbaste sätt avhjälpa ditt problem. Innan du kontaktar oss, skriv upp följande enligt dataskylten på produkten:




Inköpsställe och datum

Hur och när uppträder felet?

Vid försäljning i Sverige gäller den svenska konsumentlag­ stiftningen, kom ihåg att spara kvittot. Mer information om vilka bestämmelser som gäller kan du få av återförsäljaren av denna produkt. Innan du beställer service enligt EHL-åtagandet kontrollera först om du kan avhjälpa felet själv. Bruksanvisningen beskriver en del enklare fel och hur man kan åtgärda dem. OBS! Elektriska fel skall alltid åtgärdas av behörig verkstad.

Vi garanterar att denna batteridrivna dammsugare för hushållsbruk är godkänd enligt EMC-direktivet 89/336/EEC, lågspänningsdirektivet 73/23/EEC med tillägg 90/683/EEC samt är CE-märkt enligt 93/68/EEC. All testning har utförts av ett oberoende testinstitut.


If a Rapido Wet & Dry is to be disposed of, the batteries should be removed. Used batteries should never be disposed of with household waste. These should always be taken to a recycling station.

Removing batteries

Run batteries flat before removing them.

21.NB – Rapido Wet & Dry must not be connected to the charging station while you are removing the batteries.

Undo the five screws.

Carefully lift the hood.

Unclip the connecting cables and lift out the batteries.

Servicing or repairs

In cases of breakdown or faults, your Rapido Wet & Dry must be taken to an authorised Electrolux service centre. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by Electrolux or its service agent or a similarily qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

Consumer information

Electrolux decline all responsibility for all damages arising from any improper use of the appliance or in cases of tampering with the appliance.

If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified person in order to avoid a hazard.

This product is designed with the environment in mind. All plastic parts are marked for recycling purposes. For details see our web site:

If you have any comments on the cleaner or the Instructions for Use booklet please e-mail us at:

Please visit our website at, or for Customer Care please call 08445 614614. Calls to this number will be charged at 5p per minute at all times from a BT Landline.

We declare that this battery operated vacuum cleaner, intended for domestic use, conforms to the EMC Directive 89/336/EEC, Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC with amendment 90/683/EEC and the CE marking Directive 93/68/EEC. All conformity testing has been done by an independent third party testing body.


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Electrolux ZB404WD manual Vid skrotning, Service eller reparationer, Konsumentinformation, Disposal, Servicing or repairs

ZB404WD specifications

The Electrolux ZB404WD is a remarkable cordless vacuum cleaner that combines sleek design with advanced cleaning technologies, making it an excellent choice for home cleaning. This model stands out in the competitive market of household appliances due to its powerful performance, user-friendly features, and versatility.

One of the main features of the Electrolux ZB404WD is its lightweight and ergonomic design. Weighing in at just under 3 kilograms, it allows for effortless maneuverability, making it easy to navigate around furniture and into tight spaces. The comfortable grip ensures that extended cleaning sessions are not a strain on the user.

Powering the ZB404WD is a high-performance lithium-ion battery that provides up to 55 minutes of continuous cleaning on a single charge. This considerable run time allows users to tackle the entire home without the need to stop and recharge. Plus, the battery is designed for quick charging, so it's ready to go when you are.

The ZB404WD features a powerful cyclonic technology that ensures efficient dirt and dust separation for maximum suction power. This technology maintains strong performance and ensures that even the finest particles are captured, leaving your floors spotless. Its multiple cleaning modes allow users to switch between settings tailored to various surfaces, such as hardwood, carpet, or tiles, providing optimal cleaning results.

One of the highlights of the Electrolux ZB404WD is its unique detachable handheld vacuum, allowing for effortless cleaning of above-floor areas, such as upholstery, stairs, and car interiors. This versatility enhances the vacuum's functionality, making it suitable for a range of cleaning tasks.

Additional features include a motorized brush roll that effectively picks up pet hair and dust from carpets, ensuring a deep clean. The vacuum also comes with a dust container that is easy to empty, providing a hygienic solution for disposing of collected debris.

The filtration system in the ZB404WD is designed to trap allergens and dust, making it a suitable choice for allergy sufferers. This ensures the air expelled by the vacuum is cleaner, promoting a healthier home environment.

In conclusion, the Electrolux ZB404WD is a well-rounded vacuum cleaner that excels in convenience, power, and versatility. With its cutting-edge technologies and user-centric features, it represents an efficient solution for maintaining a clean and tidy living space. Whether dealing with daily dust or deep-cleaning challenges, this vacuum stands out as a reliable and effective option for modern households.