Custom - You can enter numbers to adjust the width
(w) and height (h). Some numbers beyond the
specifications of your selected profile may not be
Aspect Ratio
Automatic - Turbo.264 HD will select the best setting
4:3 - The aspect ratio will be cropped to 4:3
14:9 - The aspect ratio will be cropped to 14:9
16:9 - The aspect ratio will be cropped to 16:9
Wide - The aspect ratio will be cropped to a
Widescreen format
Automatic - Turbo.264 HD will select the best setting
On - Part of the edges of the image will be cropped
Off - The edges of the image will not be cropped
Frame Rate
Automatic - Turbo.264 HD will select the best setting
15 - 15 frames per second (fps)
23.976 - 23.976 frames per second (fps)
24 - 24 frames per second (fps)
25 - 25 frames per second (fps)
29.97 - 29.97 frames per second (fps)
30 - 30 frames per second (fps)
Custom - Enter the number of frames per second
(fps). Some numbers beyond the specifications of
your selected profile may not be allowed.
Data Rate
Automatic - Turbo.264 HD will select the best setting
Custom - Enter the number of kilobits per second
(kpbs). Some numbers beyond the specifications of
your selected profile may not be allowed.
Advanced Settings
Please note that uninformed adjustments of the
Advanced Settings may cause encoding errors, or
output that won’t work as intended.
H.264 Profile
Automatic - Turbo.264 HD will select the best setting
Baseline - Used for lower resolution video
Main - Used for standard resolution video
High - Used for high resolution video
H.264 Level
1.0 to 5.1 - Select a level from a wide range of
GOP Size
Automatic - Turbo.264 HD will select the best setting
Custom - Enter the number of frames for each GOP
(Group of Pictures). Some numbers beyond the
specifications of your selected profile may not be
GOP Structure
Automatic - Turbo.264 HD will select the best setting
I - Only I frames will be used.
IP - I and P frames will be used.
IBP - I, B and P frames will be used.
IBBP - I, B and P frames will be used.
IBRBP - I, B, P and R frames will be used.
Interlace Mode
Automatic - Turbo.264 HD will select the best setting
Frame - Frame based interlacing
Field - Field based interlacing
MBAFF - MacroBlock Adaptive Field Frame
PAFF - Picture Adaptive Field Frame interlacing
Entropy Coding
Automatic - Turbo.264 HD will select the best setting
CAVLC - Entropy encoding that can work with most
CABAC - Entropy encoding that can work with some
Turbo.264 HD Manual
Custom Presets