How do I automatically check for updates? 17
AVCHD Capture
How can I use Turbo.264 HD to capture AVCHD? 18
How can I get other video from my camera? 18
How can I combine multiple AVCHD clips? 18
Application Support
How do I use Turbo.264 HD with other applications?
What applications can use Turbo.264 HD? 20
How does Turbo.264 HD work with EyeTV? 20
How does Turbo.264 HD work with iMovie ’09? 20
How does Turbo.264 HD work with QuickTime Player
Pro? 21
Dictionary 22
Turbo.264 HD AppleScript Commands 22
Sample AppleScript 22
Export Format Details
iPod Small 23
iPod Best 23
iPhone and iPod touch 23
Apple TV 23
Sony PSP 23
YouTube 23
HD 720p 23
HD 1080p 24
Input formats 24
Turbo.264 HD Manual
Table of Contents