Encoding Formats
What types of video can Turbo.264 HD create?
Turbo.264 can encode to the H.264 format, at various
resolutions, up to full HD (1080p).
What devices can use video from Turbo.264 HD?
Many video playback devices can use H.264 video,
including the iPod, iPhone, Apple TV, Sony
PlayStation Portable, and Sony PlayStation 3.
What export format presets can Turbo.264 HD use?
To make it easy to prepare video for various
devices, there are export format presets you can
iPod Small
iPod Best
Apple TV
Sony PSP
YouTube HD
HD 720p
HD 1080p
Each preset represents a certain resolution and
bitrate, along with other characteristics of H.264
Turbo.264 HD Manual
Encoding Formats