'On' selectthe band,station,andvolumelevelthatyouwish 1.) Turnthe radio and
to hearwhenthe alarmcomeson,thenturnthe radio again .
2 . ) Reconfirmthe wakeup timeandalarmmodesettingsforthe alarmyou are using,Alarm1,Alarm2, or bothalarms .
3,) Setthe ALARMselectorswitchfor one or bothalarmsto the RADIOposition. The appropriateALM 1 and/orALM2 indicatorswilllightup to confirmthatthe alarmsareset .
'On'. playfor one hourand
4.) At theselectedwakeuptimethe radiowillturn lt will thenshut off automatically.
5.) Tostopthe radiosooner,presseitherthe appropriateALM 1 orALM 2 button, or pressthe RADIOON/OFFbuttonThe. radiowillstopbutthe alarmremains
set and willturnthe radioon againat the sametimeon the followingday (dependingon theAlarmModesetting) .
6 . ) lf you do not wantthe alarmto turnthe radioon the followingday,set the
appropriateALARMselectorto the | 'OFF' |
position. |
1 . ) Reconfirmthe wakeup timeandalarmmodesettingsfor the alarmyou are using,Alarm1,Alarm2, or bothalarms .
2.) SettheALARMselectorswitchforoneor bothalarmsto the BUZZERposition.
'1 2 indicatorswilllightup to confirmthatthe The appropriateALM and/orALM
alarmsareset .
3.) At theselectedwakeuptimethe buzzerwillsound.lt willcontinueforone hour
andthenshutoff automatically.
4.) Tostopthe buzzersooner,presseithertheappropriateALM 1 orALM2 button. fhe buzzerwillstop but the alarmremainsset and willturn the buzzeron againat the sametimeon the followingday (dependingon theAlarmMode setting)To.stopthebuzzerandturnon theradioimmediately,pressthe RADIO ON/OFFbuttoninsteadof theALM1 orALM2 button .
5 . ) lf you do notwantthe alarmto turnthe buzzeron the followingday,set the
appropriateALARMselectorto the | 'OFF' |
position. | |
| 1 1 |