General Parameters
General parameters are used by techni- cians and operators to set the control set- points and defrost schedules.
Before Changing General Parameters
Before changing parameters, clear any active alarms by pressing the Alarm Si- lence button.
Changing General Parameters
Do not lightly press buttons! You MUST use considerable force while pressing controller buttons or your commands will not register!
Press (SET) and hold for five seconds. If general mode programming has been
password protected, you will see PASS on the display.
Press (SET) and use the arrow keys to in- crement the password number until the correct password is shown and then press (SET).
Note: If general parameters an not pass- word protected, PASS will not appear on the display.
The display will show the first programmable parameter: CSP (Case temperature Set Point). The arrow keys may be used to scroll through the list of general parameters. To change the
Software Version
Note! See Technical Information Sheet In This Manual For This Case’s Settings
value of any parameter follow these steps:
1.Select the parameter using the arrow keys (until the code is shown.
2.Press (SET).
3.Current value of this parameter will display. Use arrow keys to change values.
4.Press (SET) to accept value.
5.Repeat steps
6.When finished, press (SET) again for five seconds to save changes and exit. The display will blank for one second and then revert to normal display if the save was successful.
7.To cancel all changes, press and hold (SILENCE) for five seconds, or leave con- troller idle for 60 seconds. You will lose all setpoint changes made since you entered General Programming Mode.
See Warning at right.
Note! See Technical Information Sheet In
This Manual For This Case’s Settings
You MUST press and hold
(SET) after changing setpoints for changes to be permanent. Leaving the controller idle for 60 seconds will log you
out and cancel all your
setpoint changes.