MAN-0076 Rev 05 Millennium II
December 07, 2012
Net Safety Monitoring Inc
This manual is for informational purposes only. Although every effort has been made to ensure the correctness of the
information, technical inaccuracies may occur and periodic changes may be made without notice. Net Safety
Monitoring Inc., assumes no responsibility for any errors contained within this manual.
If the products or procedures are used for purposes other than as described in the manual, without receiving prior
confirmation of validity or suitability, Net Safety Monitoring Inc., does not guarantee the results and assumes no
obligation or liability. No part of this manual may be copied, disseminated or distributed without the express written
consent of Net Safety Monitoring Inc.
Net Safety Monitoring Inc., products are carefully designed and manufactured from high quality components and can
be expected to provide many years of trouble free service. Each product is thoroughly tested, inspected and calibrated
prior to shipment. Failures can occur which are beyond the control of the manufacturer. Failures can be minimized by
adhering to the operating and maintenance instructions herein. Where the absolute greatest of reliability is required,
redundancy should be designed into the system.
Net Safety Monitoring Inc warrants its electronic assemblies against defective parts and workmanship for a period of
36 months from date of purchase. No other warranties or liability, expressed or implied, will be honored by Net Safety
Monitoring Inc. Contact Net Safety Monitoring Inc. or an authorized representative for details.
We welcome your input at Net Safety Monitoring. If you have any comments please contact us at the phone/ address
below or visit our web site and complete our on-line customer survey: www.net-safety.com/
If further language translation for this manual is required please contact:
Net Safety Monitoring Inc Direct: (403) 219-0688
Corporate Headquarters Facsimile: (403) 219-0694
2721 Hopewell Place NE E-mail: nsmsales@net-safety.com
Calgary, AB Canada T1Y 7J7 Web-site: www.net-safety.com/