9.) When you are finished listening press the STOP/EJECT I4 key to stop the
tape, open the door, remove the tape and close the door. lf you are playing a tape and then change to the TUNER or CD function be sure to press the STOP/
EJECT f * key to disengage the tape mechanism. This prevents excess
wear and tear on the mechanism.
Always press fhe SIOP tEJECf I I key fo shu t off the tape motor before
opening the cassefte door to remove your tape. The Automatic Sfop Sysfem does not function in the F.FWD <1 and REW D msdes. When the tape ends in the p.p1111p 11 and REW W modes the motor continues fo run. You must
press the SfOP IEJECf f t key to shut off the motor before opening the door to remove your tape.
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