Monitoring: The Key
To Continuous

What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You
A small problem in a critical facility can quickly escalate into a
Different People Need To Know
Different Things
Liebert offers you more monitoring solutions than anyone else because getting the right information about your power equipment to the right people— with the right level of
We do this by allowing you to receive and use information from your Liebert power equipment’s microprocessor controls…no matter where it is located or what communications protocol, operating platform or building management system is being used. In- band,
How Deep Does Your Monitoring
Need To Be?
Monitoring can range from a automated shutdown software that provides basic operating information from a single UPS
Your requirements will vary according to the specificity of the information you need. You may require no more than a local readout of a unit’s operating status. Or you may need the ability to control its operation and receive alarms.
These information requirements may also go beyond basic monitoring and control. You may need the ability to analyze performance data in order to pinpoint trouble spots so that the same problems don’t happen again and again.