2) To change the multiple, set the cursor to MANUAL and press the Set button (the multiple
cannot be changed in the AUTO or OFF modes).
When the multiple (16) flashes, it can be changed by using the left (right) direction
button. Since the video level also changes, set the multiple for the optimum brightness,
then press the Set button.
Facrory setting is 16.
Left button (ascending sequence):
Right button (descending sequence):
At the MANUAL and AUTO settings, the light control, AGC, WHITE BALANCE and
SHUTTER SPEED settings cannot be changed. Set the sensitivity mode to OFF to enable
changing these settings.
At high sensitivity multiples, fast moving objects can be blurred in the image. In such
cases, use a lower sensitivity multiple.
l Remote operation via the Remote connector has priority.
l Although the picture data increases at high sensitivity, noise also increases. High
ambient temperature can also increase noise. As required, set noise reduction (NR) to
l White specks can appears in the image at high sensitivity. This is not due to
3) Select the sensitivity mode according to conditions. Press the up direction button, then
select the mode with the left (right) button. Use the AUTO mode for continuous day and
night observation.