Enfora Enabler II-G Assisted GPS
Modem Integration Guide
50 Ground R GND Electrical power return for digital and analog grounds.
51 Serial Transmit Data 3 I TXD_RADIO Serial Data from Host.
53 Request To Send 7 I RTS_RADIO RTS Signal from Host.
54 SIM Reset O SIM_RST SIM Reset.
55 Clear To Send 8 O CTS_Radio CTS Signal to Host.
56 ADC1 I ADC1 Analog-to-Digital Converter Input 1.
0 – 1.75 Vdc range. 1.709 mV resolution. 10 bit.
57 Data Terminal Ready 4 I DTR_RADIO DTR Signal to Host.
58 SIM Power O SIM_VCC SIM Power.
59 Reserved R Do Not Connect .
60 Ground R GND Electrical power return for digital and analog grounds.
I=Input into Enabler; O=Output from Enabler; P=Power Input to Enabler; R=Power Return from
Enabler; I/O=Input/Output into/from Enabler
NOTE: There is a functionality change on Pin 18. Pin 18 is now General Purpose Output for
the MLG0208-xx. In prior modules like the GSM0108-xx, Pin 18 has been a General Purpose
I/O pin.
Reserved for future use
NO CONNECT if on-board SIM holder is used
6.4. Circuit Protection
Other than the basic low level ESD protection within the module’s integrated circuits (typically
2000 V), the Enabler II-G A-GPS module does not have any protection against ESD events or
other excursions that exceed the specified operating parameters.
The only exception is that the remote SIM lines on the main I/O connector do have additional
ESD protection that should handle standard human-model contact ESD events.
Generally, ESD protection (typically TVS/Transzorb devices) should be added to all signals
that leave the host board. This includes VBAT/VCC.
Series resistors (typically 47 Ω) can also be added in series with data lines to limit the peak
current during a voltage excursion.
specified operating parameters.
6.5. Antenna
The MLG0208-xx module has two antenna connections on the module. The connections are
for the GSM section of the module and the GPS section of the module. A custom quad-band
antenna can be attached via the on-board RF connector or soldered directly to the modem.
Each antenna direct connect solder pad is 1.02 x 2.54 MM. A passive GPS antenna can also
be used to connect to the on-board connector or soldered directly to the modem.