11.1.6. Querying the Status of the Enfora Enabler II-G A-GPS Module
This topic is addressed in the Enfora Application Note GSM0000AN006 – Enabler-G Module
Status Query.
11.1.7. Setting Module Reporting Parameters for GSM and GPRS
This topic is addressed in the Enfora Application Note GSM0000AN007 - Enabler-G Status
11.2. GSM/SMS Examples
11.2.1. Initialize the Enfora Enabler II-G A-GPS Module to Send and Receive SMS Text
This topic is addressed in the Enfora Application Note GSM0000AN004 - Enabler-G SMS
Configuration and Use.
11.2.2. Managing SMS Messages
This topic is addressed in the Enfora Application Note GSM0000AN004 - Enabler-G SMS
Configuration and Use.
11.2.3. Data Call Configuration
This topic is addressed in the Enfora Application Note GSM0000AN003 - Enabler-G Data Circuit
Switched Call Configuration and Use.
11.2.4. Voice Call Configuration
This topic is addressed in the Enfora Application Note GSM0000AN003 - Enabler-G Data Circuit
Switched Call Configuration and Use.
11.3. GPRS Packet Examples
This topic is addressed in the Enfora Application Note GSM0000AN005 - Enabler-G Automated
Network Connection Configuration and Use.
11.3.2. Windows PPP Setup
The Enabler II-G A-GPS module can be used in a Windows operating system environment as a
standard serial modem device. The required setup and configuration process is contained in
Enfora Application Notes GSM0000AN001 - Enabler-G PPP Configuration for Windows 98
and GSM0000AN002 - Enabler-G PPP Configuration for Windows 2000.
11.4. GPS Examples
11.4.1. Autonomous Mode
This topic is addressed in the Enfora Application Note MLG0208AN001 - Assisted GPS Module
Modes of Operation