6.6.4. Reset (Pin 22)
A pulse on this Active-High input resets/restarts the module. This input has a “weak
pull-up” resistor internal to the module and can be left open-circuit if it is not going to
be used. To initiate a reset, provide a high-pulse of at least 50 ms duration.
Figure 13 shows a Reset, or power down sequence using the RESET signal with the CPU to Enfora Enabler II-G A-
GPS interface. Note that the I/O and serial lines MUST be either tri-stated or pulled to GND. If this is not done, it
cannot be guaranteed that RESET will reset the Enfora Enabler II-G A-GPS.
Figure 13 RESET (using external processor)
6.6.5. Using VBAK
VBAK is a backup voltage that can maintain the RTC clock and alarm functions. If VBAK is not
present in the system (intentionally or not) and RADIO_PWR/RST is active low, the RTC clock
may still be powered if leakage voltage exists on VCC. Otherwise the RTC clock will loose power
and be reset when VCC is restored.
Backup Voltage (Real-Time-Clock)
VBACKUP Backup Voltage for Real-Time-Clock 2.7 3.0 4.5 Vdc
IBACKUP Input Current (VBACKUP = 3.2 V, VBAT = 0 V,
No Load on GPIO or Serial Port) 3.0 6.0 μAdc
MLG0208PB001 32 Version1.01 – 10/3/2006